Sunday, August 19, 2012

Alwayness of God

Today I started my period.  I thought I was okay until I browsed Pinterest and saw a picture of a woman holding a baby.  I broke down.  It hurts, but I know it’s just not our time.  His timing is perfect, and I respect it. 
No matter how many times I face disappointment (lately it seems to be every 27 days), God is always there to comfort me.  I was reminded of a beautiful Yolanda Adam song called “Alwaysness” that brought me so much peace.  I’ve linked it below.  I hope it can bring anyone reading this peace.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Contentment defines contentment as the state of being satisfied with what one is or has; not wanting more or anything else.  Another dictionary defines contentment as accepting one’s situation or life with equanimity and satisfaction.  When I wrote my last blog post, I was satisfied.  I was happy with where I was in life.  I had a wonderful husband, great family, good friends, and an awesome God.  I also wasn’t fertile.  Things were fine and I started studying my Bible and really trying to grow closer to God.  Then I hit the two week wait.  For those of you that aren’t familiar with Trying to Conceive lingo, the two week wait refers to that time between when you ovulate and when you either find out you’re pregnant or you get your period.
As soon as I hit the two week wait of that cycle, I got really anxious.  I wanted to finally be pregnant (for real this time).  I wanted all the waiting to be over and the questions about whether God was really hearing my cries to be answered with a resounding YES!  As I reflected on my feelings I realized something.  I wasn’t really content.  If I was truly content, the two week wait would not be so stressful for me.  I struggled with how to reconcile my desire to have children with my desire to be content with the place God put me.  If I’m really content, then why am I begging God for a child?  If I’m really content, then why are my thoughts consumed with trying to conceive.  It was a true struggle.  I talked to my husband, I reached out to my message board buddies, I asked God about it, but I never felt satisfied with the responses I received.  My two week wait ended with a period.  And as we started the cycle fresh, I resolved that this would be our month.  I just needed to have enough faith.  When I got a positive result on my ovulation predictor kit, I cried (literally cried) out to the Lord and asked Him to hear us and give us a child.  I was still consumed with thoughts of trying to conceive.  That two week wait ended with more disappointment.  Now as my body prepares to ovulate for this cycle, I came across a book from Priscilla Shirer called The Resolution for Women.  One of the resolutions revolved around contentment so I decided to revisit this place.
My dilemma remains the same.  How do I experience true contentment while at the same time praying for God to give me something I don’t have?  If I’m truly content, then why would I even be asking for more?  I decided to look into this word contentment a little further.  Forget what Webster’s dictionary says about it, what does the Word of God say about it.  So, I searched for the word content in the Bible.  Philippians 4:11 was the first place I found some relevance.
In Philippians 4:11 Paul states, “Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewithin to be content.”  The amplified version says it like this, “Not that I am implying that I was in any personal want, for I have learned how to be content (satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or disquieted) in whatever state I am in.”  That’s an amazing place to be, huh?  Not disturbed or disquieted.  Sounds like peace to me.  It reminded me of Philippians 4:7 which says, “And God’s peace [shall be yours, that tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is, that peace] which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”  That’s my goal.  That’s where I am trying to get.  But I still have the same question, if I’m really undisturbed, then why am I asking for more.
I always like to read a verse in its proper context.  So I decided to read Philippians 4 in its entirety.  Then I came upon the most amazing verse that truly spoke to my situation.  Isn’t awesome how God can lead you to exactly what you’re looking for.  Let me remind you again of my conundrum.  How do I experience true contentment while also asking God for more?  The answer was right in Philippians 4.  Verse 6 says, “Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants know to God.”  There it is, clear as day!  You show contentment with thanksgiving for what you already have.  The Bible directs us to make our requests known so it’s okay to ask, but we must have thanksgiving in our hearts and not be anxious for the future.  So there it is.  I have to make the choice to be happy with where I am right now while asking God for a child.  Then I must have faith that He will grant me the petitions of my heart.  If I have faith, then that takes care of the anxiousness.  No need to be anxious if you know God is going to do it.
I love how God just leads us to our answers.  We just have to ask.  I wish it wouldn’t have taken me so long to ask, but I’ve asked and He has shown me the answer.  Thank you Lord!